Job 13 ©
1 Job reproveth his friends of false reasoning and partiality: 14 though unable to account for his own afflictions, he professeth his confidence in God: 20 he entreateth to know his sins, and the cause of his affliction.
But ye are dforgers of lies, ye are all physicians of no value.
Shall not his 1excellency make you afraid? and his dread fall upon you?
2Hold your peace, plet me alone, that I may speak, and let come on me what will.
He also shall be umy salvation: for van hypocrite shall not come before him.
bOnly do not two things unto me: then will I not chide myself from thee.
Wilt ithou break a leaf driven to and fro? and wilt thou pursue the dry stubble?
For jthou writest bitter things against me, and makest me to possess the iniquities of my youth.