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(Authorised Version Annotated Jude Inleiding)


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The apostle Jude, following the example and footsteps of the apostle Peter in his second epistle, wrote this epistle to exhort believing christians unto steadfastness in the true faith, and for this end to warn them of false teachers and mockers, that they might not be deceived by them. 1 And first, after the superscription and salutation, 3 He expounds this exhortation and shows how needful it is, seeing many ungodly men were crept in amongst the christians. 5 Declares that such shall be eternally punished by God, and proves it by similar examples of the Israelites in the wilderness, 6 Of the apostate angels, 7 And of the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah. 8 Describes them that they reproach magistrates, which the archangelMichael himself durst not do against the devil. 11 That they follow the footsteps of Cain, Balaam and Korah. 12 That they are spots of the christian assemblies, hypocrites, unsteady ones and that they shall certainly be damned. 14 Which he confirms by a prophecy of Enoch. 16 And further describes their faults. 17 And says that they are the very men of whom the apostles gave warning. 20 Afterward he relates again the same exhortation to steadfastness, with a promise of eternal life. 22 Exhorts them to endeavor how to save their neighbor also, some with gentleness, and others with severity. 24 Finally he concludes with praise and thanksgiving to God.


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