Psalm 144

1David blesseth God for his merciful protection: 3he admireth his care for vain man: 5he prayeth God by power to complete his deliverance: 9he promiseth to praise God: 11he prayeth for his kingdom's happiness under God's favour.

0A Psalm of David.

1BLESSED be the LORD 1my strength, whicha teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:

1 See the annotation on Deut. 32 on verse 4; 2 Sam. 22:2.

a 2 Sam. 22:35; Psalm 18:34.

22My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; whob3subdueth my people under me.

2 That is, He, Who is so kind unto me, as kindness itself. Compare 2 Sam. 22:2. See further Psalm 18:2.

b 2 Sam. 22:48; Psalm 18:47.

3 That is, makes them obedient and loyal to me.

3LORD, 4whatcis man, that thou takest knowledge of him! or the son of man, that thou makest account of him!

4 As if he said: When one compares the wretched and low condition of man with the infinite majesty of God, it cannot but fill the mind with admiration, that He would deign Himself to think on such a poor and miserable creature.

c Job 7:17; Psalm 8:4; 31:7; Heb. 2:6.

4Mand is like to vanity: his days are ase a shadow that passeth away.

d Psalm 39:5; 62:9.

e Job 8:9; 14:2, 3; Psalm 102:11.

55Bowf thy heavens, O LORD, and 6come down: touchg the 7mountains, and 8they shall smoke.

5 That is, come to assist me and Thy people from heaven, and show Thy glory and power against our enemies. See 2 Sam. 22:10. This is spoken after the manner of men.

f Psalm 18:9.

6 Namely, to my assistance and to the destruction of Thine enemies.

g Psalm 18:7; 104:32.

7 That is, (according as some perceive) my great and powerful enemies. It may also be taken for a description of the might and majesty of God, in the executing of His judgments against the wicked that oppress the godly. Compare Psalm 104:32, etc.

8 That is, that they may vanish like smoke.

69Casth forth lightning, and 10scatter them: shoot out thine arrows, and destroy them.

9 That is, strike them down and confound them with Thy Divine and heavenly power.

h2 Sam. 22:8; Psalm 18:14.

10 Namely, those strange children, of whom is spoken in verse 7.

7Send thine hand 11from above; rid me, and deliver me 12out of great waters, from the hand 13of strange children;

11 That is, out of heaven, as Psalm 18:16.

12 That is, from those great persecutions of the wicked. See 2 Sam. 22 on verse 17.

13 Hebr. the children of the strangers, either of a stranger to the fellowship of Israel, or, of those who lived in a foreign land; or, of those who would not yet acknowledge David as their king, but did persecute him with Saul. See Psalm 54:3. See likewise the annotation, 2 Sam. 22 on verse 45.

8Whose mouth speaketh vanity, and 14their right hand is a right hand of falsehood.

14 Which they give unto the reinforcement of their promise; and so likewise verse 11.

9I will sing 15a new song unto thee, O God: upon a psaltery 16and an instrument of ten strings will I sing praises unto thee.

15 See the annotations Psalm 33 on verses 2, 3.

16 This conjunction is inserted here, because a psaltery and an instrument of ten strings are different instruments, as may be seen, Psalm 92 on verse 3.

10It is he 17that giveth salvation unto kings: who delivereth David his servant 18from the hurtful sword.

17 See 2 Sam. 8:6.

18 That is, from that sword which goes about to shed innocent blood.

11Rid me, and deliver me from the hand of strange children, whose mouth speaketh vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of falsehood:

12That our sons may be as plants 19grown up in their youth; that our daughters may be as 20corner stones, 21polished after the similitude of a palace:

19 Namely, plants.

20 That is, fair and handsome of body and members, as they trim, embellish and polish the cornerstones of a pleasant building in order to give unto the entire structure more luster and grace in everyone’s eyes.

21 Namely, precious and beautiful.

13That our 22garners may be full, affordingi all manner 23of store: that our sheep may bring forth 24thousands and ten thousands in our 25streets:

22 Understand here such places where any provisions are brought and laid up, as barns, granaries, cellars, storehouses, magazines, etc. In a word: David prays here that God would bless him and all the godly with all manner of temporal goods and comforts.

i furnishing, providing

23 Hebr. from food to food, that is, abundance of food, plenty of provision.

24 That is, in massive amount.

25 Or, yards, the word being variously taken. See the annotation on Job 5:10.

14That our oxen may be 26strong to labour; that there be 27no breaking in, nor 28going out; that there be 29no complaining in our streets.

26 Fat and fleshy, that is, strong and fit to draw great burdens and to do much labor. Or, well-laden, namely, with young ones or calves; for, under the name of oxen, the cows are here to be understood likewise, as Deut. 7:13.

27 Namely, of the enemies in our lands and cities, to take away our goods and cattle.

28 Namely, out of our cities, to snatch from the enemies the robbed goods and cattle. Other, no issuing, namely woman, to cry and to complain abroad.

29 Understand this of rumors of war or alarm.

15Happy is that people, that is 30in such a case: yea, 31happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.

30 Namely, as it has just been previously related.

31 As if he said by way of amending or correcting the last preceding words: Yea, I say rather, that above all, that people is rightly blessed, which stands in the covenant and favor with God, Who is the Fountain and Ever living Source of all blessings and happiness; which is the thing indeed that contains the highest good. Compare Psalm 4:6, 7; 17:14, 15; 33:12; 65:4.