Psalm 133

The blessedness of unity among brethren.

0 A1 Song of degrees of David.

1 See Psalm 120 in the title.

1BEHOLD, how good and how pleasant it is for 2brethren to dwell 3together in unity!

2 By the word brethren is not only understood carnal brothers, but such also as are or stand in one and the same relation of office and ministry; yea, all those who daily call upon one and the same Father in heaven. See the annotation at Psalm 122 on verse 8. It is as much as if the prophet had said here: Unity and concord among all people is pleasing and acceptable, but especially that which is among brethren.

3 Namely, in love and concord, both for matters of religion, and in civil respect, and in their daily conduct.

24It is like 5the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the 6skirts 7of his garments;

4 As if he said: Such peace and unity may well be compared with the sweet smelling ointment of Aaron, and with the fruitful dew. Of the ointment, oil or balm wherewith Aaron and all his successors were anointed and consecrated, see Exod. 29:7; 30:23, 25-30.

5 Hebr. the good.

6 Hebr. mouth. He speaks here of the edge or border of the mantle of the ephod; yet some would have it understood of the mouth, that is, collar, or neck-hole of the ephod. See Exodus 28 and 39.

7 Namely, of his holy and high-priestly attire, whereof we read in Exodus 28.

3As the dew of 8Hermon, 9and as the dew that descended upon 10the mountains of Zion: for 11there the LORD 12commanded the blessing, even 13life for evermore.

8 Of which hill see Deut. 3:8; Psalm 29:6; Cant. 4:8.

9 This phrase is to be supplied here, which gives a fuller and clearer discourse to the text. Hermon and Zion are situated far from each other as such, that the dew of Hermon cannot descend upon the mountains of Zion.

10 Understand here the mountains which are situated round about mount Zion or round about Jerusalem. See Psalm 125:2.

11 Namely, where the brethren live together in unity, verse 1.

12 That is, the Lord causes and orders it so, that where this brotherly union and society is present, blessing and life attends it. Psalm 42:8. See also Lev. 25:21; Deut. 28:8.

13 Namely, a long and happy life. Understand hereby: doth the Lord likewise command. The prophet implies thus much: Even as the dew moistens and makes fruitful the hills of Hermon and Zion, together with the countries about, so does God bless and give a long, yea, and the everlasting life, to them that live together in brotherly love and unity.