Proverbs 14

Various observations of moral virtues and their contrary vices.

1EVERY1 wise woman 2buildeth her house: but 3the foolish plucketh it down with 4her hands.

1 Hebr. the wise of women, that is, whosoever is wise among women. Compare Gen. 47 on verse 3; Job 12 on verse 7, and below verse 9.

2 Namely, by bringing up her children devoutly, by ruling her servants wisely, and by keeping the whole family in good order. So is the word buildeth taken in Prov. 24:3.

3 Hebr. folly or foolishness; that is, very foolish, as if he had said: she, who is folly itself. See Job 35 on verse 13.

4 That is, with her conduct in life. Such is called the recompense or reward of his hands, what is rendered to a man for which he does and omits to do, Isa. 3:11.

2Hea that walketh 5in his uprightness feareth the LORD: but he that is 6perverse 7in his ways despiseth 8him.

a Job 12:4.

5 Compare the annotation at Prov. 2 on verse 7 upon the words walking uprightly.

6 Namely, from the right way. Also Prov. 2:15. See the annotation.

7 That is, in his own intention, doing and omitting. See Gen. 6 on verse 12.

8 Namely, the Lord.

3In the mouth of the foolish is a 9rod of pride: but the lips of the wise shall 10preserve them.

9 That is, a proud and lofty rod or staff, wherewith he partly beats others, when he boldly slanders and backbites them, partly himself, when, being found and taken in his lies, he gets, as it were, a back blow thereby.

10 Namely, by their courteous, wise and prudent sayings, that they do not fall into the evil and mischief of fools.

4Where no 11oxen are, the crib is 12clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox.

11 So is the Hebrew word taken Deut. 7:13; 28:4, 18, 51; Psalm 8:7. Understand this of the oxen wherewith they were wont to plow and to do all manner of husbandry, Deut. 22:10; 25:4.

12 That is, empty of fodder and provision for beasts, and consequently of fruits of the ground needful for the sustentation of man. Thus lack of bread or victual is called cleanness, that is, emptiness of teeth, Amos 4:6. Compare Prov. 12:11; 28:19.

5 A 13faithful witnessb will not lie: but a false witness will 14utter lies.

13 Hebr. a witness of truth, also verse 25; and in the following words: Hebr. a witness of falsehood.

b Exod. 23:1; Prov. 12:17.

14 Also Prov. 6:19, and below verse 25.

6A scorner seeketh wisdom, and findeth it 15not: but knowledge is 16easy unto him that understandeth.

15 Namely, on hand, or, to find it, because the scorner does not seek it as he ought, and where wisdom is to be found.

16 Namely, to find; because he seeks it as is required and is proper to do.

7Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the 17lips of knowledge.

17 That is, which utter wise and virtuous speeches; and consequently he himself is not of a wise and virtuous heart; for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh, Mat. 12:34. Compare Prov. 12 on verse 19.

8The wisdom of the prudent is to understand 18his way: but the folly of fools is 19deceit.

18 That is, what he ought to intend, do, and leave undone.

19 Namely, because they, regarding not what is done well or ill, are hurtful to others, and in the end are deceived themselves.

9Fools 20make a mock at 21sin: but among the righteous there is 22favour.

20 The meaning is: that fools will seek to extenuate, cloak and excuse sin with fair words and seeming reasons, that it may appear to be more like unto virtue than to vice. Other, will make a mock at sin, that is, make a laughingstock of it, for everyone to make it his sport and pastime, and in no wise to grieve at it.

21 Meaning sin, wherein he finds himself, or those who are his, to be guilty.

22 Namely, whereby one man does not hurt or wrong another, either in words or in deeds; or if any man has offended, or done wrong, this he confesses and the matter is taken up in a friendly way, so that there is no need of such feigned excuses and colored extenuations of sin, when they have trespassed one against another.

10The heart knoweth 23his own 24bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with 25his joy.

23 Hebr. of his soul. Compare 1 Kings 19 on verse 4.

24 Hebr. bitterness, that is, bitter grief and sorrow. See 2 Kings 4 on verse 27.

25 Namely, that is hid in another man’s heart; for, every man alone knows the sorrow and the joy that is in his own heart, 1 Cor. 2:11; Rev. 2:17.

11The 26house of the wicked shall be overthrown: but the 27tabernacle of the upright shall flourish.

26 That is, the habitation, state, riches and posterity. See Prov. 12 on verse 7.

27 That is, their simple dwelling. See 2 Kings 13 on verse 5.

12Therec is a 28way which seemeth right unto a 29man, but the 30end thereof are the 31ways of death.

c Prov. 16:25.

28 That is, a manner of doings things, or of life. See Prov. 6 on verse 6. Also in the following clause of this verse.

29 Hebr. before the face of a man, that is, in his eyes and judgment. Also Prov. 16:25. Compare Eccl. 2:26; 7:26.

30 Or, the hindmost, the end. See of the Hebrew word Psalm 37 on verse 37.

31 That is, manner of doing things which lead unto death, or which cause death and destruction. Compare Jer. 21:8.

13Even 32in laughter the heart is 33sorrowful; andd the 34end 35of that mirth is heaviness.

32 That is, when a man shows outward signs of joy.

33 Namely, inward sorrow, which is covered with an outward show of joy.

d Prov. 5:4.

34 Understand this and the previous clause of what happens often, but not always.

35 Namely, of that laughter.

14The 36backslider in heart shall be 37filled 38with his own ways:e and a good man shall be satisfied 39from himself.

36 That is, who in his heart has turned away from God or from His commandments and paths. Also Psalm 44:18.

37 That is, he shall, according to his desert, be fed and nourished by God with just punishments. See Job 7 on verse 4.

38 That is, his conduct, repugnant to the law of God. See Gen. 6 on verse 12.

e Prov. 1:31.

39 Namely, shall be satisfied and filled, that is, shall have his sufficiency, namely, in the reward wherewith God will graciously recompense his goodness and virtuous behavior. Other, but a good man backslideth, or, departeth from him, namely, from him who is a backslider in heart, whereby he also escapes his punishments. Other, from him, namely, ways.

15The simple believeth every 40word: but the prudent man 41looketh well to his going.

40 Or, thing; namely, whatsoever it might or could be, whether true or false, honest or dishonest, profitable or hurtful unto him.

41 That is, takes heed to himself, that in his conduct with men he does not through vain credulity enter upon every man’s saying.

16A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool 42rageth, and is confident.

42 Namely, against those who warn and threaten him in the name of God, persuading himself that he has no distress of it.

17He that is 43soon angry dealeth foolishly: and a man 44of wicked devices is hated.

43 Hebr. short of wraths, that is, soon angry, short-handed, forward, pettish, which is called in verse 29 hasty of spirit, Hebr. short of spirit.

44 The Hebrew word, of which one is able to see in Job 21 on verse 27, is here taken in the bad sense, as Prov. 12:2. Others take it in a good sense, for discretion, as Prov. 1:4, and render this place thus: and a man of discretions, that is, who considers all things maturely, controlling and restraining himself, is hated, namely, of the wicked or of wicked men.

18The simple 45inherit folly: but the prudent are crowned 46with knowledge.

45 That is, enjoy the hurtful fruit of it, which is: to fall more and more into folly, and so increase God’s displeasure against themselves, and to reap shame and disgrace by men with the utter ruin and destruction both of soul and body.

46 Or, shall be crowned with knowledge, that is, increase in knowledge, and so excel that they shall be adorned and beautified with it, as with a crown.

19The evil 47bow before the good; and the wicked 48at the gates of the righteous.

47 Which sometimes comes to pass, because they are here humbled and brought low by the mighty hand of God, and the good are exalted, or because their conscience does compel them to honor virtue in those that be virtuous. Compare the annotations at Gen. 4 on verse 7.

48 Other, are at the gates, etc.; namely, to beg comfort, advice and help of them, after they have been humbled and cast down by the judgments of God.

20Thef poor is hated even of his own 49neighbour: but the rich hath many friends.

f Prov. 19:4, 7.

49 The Hebrew word signifies every man with whom we have any dealings, and whom we term our neighbor, as Gen. 11:3; Exod. 21:14; Lev. 19:18 and here in the next verse, etc., but in this place it is taken for a friend, companion or acquaintance, as 2 Sam. 16:17; Job 16:20; Prov. 19:6; Micah 7:5, etc.

21He 50that 51despiseth his neighbour sinneth: but he that hath mercy on the 52poor, happy is he.

50 Other, A sinner despiseth his neighbour.

51 Namely, because of his poverty, adversity, misery, low estate or something similar, as may be gathered from the contrast.

52 Or, meek. Understand those, who together with their misery and affliction being of a soft mind, modest and humble or lowly, do not easily break out into anger and wrath, and therefore may soon be oppressed. See Psalm 10 on verse 17.

225354Do they not err 55that devise evil? butg56mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good.

53 This type of question strongly affirms and asserts the thing whereof mention is made.

54 Namely, not only from the scope and end which they propound unto themselves, but chiefly and principally from their own welfare and happiness, so that they come to ruin and destruction.

55 That is, contrive, invent and devise in order to hurt thereby their neighbor. See of the Hebrew word Prov. 3 on verse 29.

g Luke 6:38.

56 Namely, as well from godly men as from God Himself, Who, according to His promises, is merciful and gracious to those who are good and upright.

2357In all labour there is 58profit: but the 59talk of the lips tendeth only to penury.

57 Namely, which is well and honestly performed according to a man’s calling.

58 That is, gain, surplus and annexation.

59 Meaning: all vain and idle words, which have no other use but to lose and trifle away precious time to a man’s great hurt; of which see Prov. 10:19. Compare 2 Kings 18:20.

24The 60crown of the wise is 61their riches: but the foolishness 62of fools 63is folly.

60 That is, ornament, which makes them gracious and honorable in the sight of men. See Prov. 12 on verse 4.

61 Namely, because they use them well, being therewith thankful unto God, merciful unto their neighbor and sober toward themselves.

62 Namely, who are rich.

63 That is, remains, serves not to make them honorable and gracious before men, but to bring them to shame and contempt, as folly is shameful and despicable in the eyes of all men, and whatsoever they have profits them nothing at all, but tends merely to their folly and disgrace.

25 A 64true witness 65delivereth 66souls: but a 67deceitful witness speaketh 68lies.

64 Hebr. witness of truth. Also verse 5.

65 That is, releases and delivers from death.

66 That is, people, whom they seek to slay by slanderous and false accusations.

67 Also verse 5; Prov. 6:19. See the annotation. Understand here lies wherewith a man is burdened and oppressed unto death.

68 Hebr. deceit; also Prov. 12:24, and Prov. 13:6 sin for sinner. Other, but a deceiver bloweth forth lies.

26In the fear of the LORD ish69strong confidence: and 70his children shall have a place of refuge.

h Prov. 10:11; 13:14.

69 Hebr. confidence of strength, that is, a strong confidence, namely for them who fear the Lord. Also Psalm 71:7.

70 Understand: the children of God; or the children of them who fear Him, and rely upon Him, unto whom He is therefore favorable.

27The fear of the LORD is 71a fountain of life, to depart from the 72snares of death.

71 That is, as a fountain out of which flows forth life. Compare Prov. 10:11 and the annotation.

72 See Prov. 13 on verse 14.

28In the multitude of people is the king's honour: but in the want of people is 73the destruction of the prince.

73 Other, the disturbance, or the destruction, or the breaking of a princedom or of a dominion.

29He 74that is slow to wrath 75is of great understanding: but he that is 76hasty of spirit 77exalteth folly.

74 Hebr. long from wraths; that is, not soon angry. See Exod. 34 on verse 6.

75 Or, hath much understanding, which he proves, since he, having been inflicted to him the wrong or seeing the evil being performed, bears this patiently, by taking heed to do anything which would be in conflict with honor and piety.

76 Hebr. short of spirit, that is, soon angry. See on verse 17 and compare Eccl. 7:9.

77 That is, sets it, as it were, on high, and brings it into open light, to be seen by all people, forasmuch as in his anger he does those things which cannot consist with honor and virtue.

30 A 78sound heart is 79the life 80of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the 81bones.

78 Hebr. a heart of soundness or health. Understand a heart or mind that is clean and free from all evil affections, passions and motions against a man’s neighbor, and especially from envy, of which here is properly mentioned.

79 That is, the health and the welfare of the body. Also life is taken for to be healed and to recover, or to enjoy bodily health, 2 Kings 8:8. See there the annotation.

80 The Hebrew word, rendered here flesh, is in the plural to signify that a sound and healthy heart does not only do good to his own body, but also to the bodies of others.

81 That is, of the innermost members and powers of the body, and consequently also of the spirit. See Job 7 on verse 15. Compare Prov. 12:4 and the annotation. Likewise Prov. 17:22 and the annotation.

31Hei that 82oppresseth the poor reproacheth 83his Maker: butj he that honoureth him hath mercy on the poor.

i Prov. 17:5.

82 Namely, by deceit or violence. Compare Prov. 22:16 and the annotation at Ezek. 18 on verse 18.

83 See Job 4 on verse 17.

j Prov. 14:21.

32The wicked is driven away in his 84wickedness: but the righteous 85hath hope 86in his death.

84 Understand the evil of punishment; that is, in his misfortune, misery and adversity. Other, for his badness or wickedness’ sake, understanding this of the evil of guilt.

85 Namely, in God.

86 That is, not only in all manner of adversity incident to this life, but also in death, which either naturally befalls him, or is violently affected to him. See Job 13:15.

33Wisdomk87resteth in the heart of him that hath understanding: but that which 88is in the midst of fools is made known.

k Prov. 10:14; 12:23; 13:16.

87 Namely, it is therein locked up in his heart, as in a cabinet, to bring it forth in due time and place.

88 Namely, the folly that is in their heart, or the wisdom which they pour out indiscreetly and unseasonably. Other, but in the midst of fools she is known, namely, when they are convinced in their consciences by the godly, or when the difference, that is between fools and wise men, is perceived.

34Righteousness 89exalteth a nation: but sin 90is a reproach to any people.

89 Namely, so as that it is blessed of God, and is famous among men.

90 That is, it brings shame and reproach upon nations. See this signification of the Hebrew word chesed Lev. 20 on verse 17.

35The king's favour is toward a wise 91servant: but his wrath is against him 92that causeth shame.

91 See Gen. 20 on verse 8.

92 Namely, his king and himself. Compare Prov. 10 on verse 5.