Proverbs 11

Various observations of moral virtues and their contrary vices.

1 A 1FALSEa balance is abomination to 2the LORD: but a just 3weight is 4his delight.

1 Hebr. balance of deceit. Also Hosea 12:8; Amos 8:5. Likewise balances of iniquity. Micah 6:11. The contrary are the balances of righteousness, Lev. 19:36; Job 31:6.

a Lev. 19:36; Deut. 25:13; Prov. 16:11; 20:10, 23.

2 Hebr. the Lord’s abomination, that is, which God esteems and accounts an abomination. See Deut. 17 on verse 1; Prov. 3 on verse 32.

3 Hebr. a perfect stone, that is, weight. See Lev. 19 on verse 36.

4 That is, acceptable and well-pleasing unto Him. See Prov. 10 on verse 32.

2Whenb pride cometh, then 5cometh shame: butc with the 6lowly 7is wisdom.

b Prov. 16:18; 18:12.

5 Namely, through God’s righteous providence, which commonly uses sins to punish with punishments which are equal to sins. For, because proud persons despise other men, and especially humble men, and such are brought low and pressed down by afflictions and crosses, therefore they are very often ruined, and so rewarded with shame and disgrace. Compare Prov. 15:33; 16:18; 18:12.

c Prov. 15:33; 18:22.

6 Or, mannerly, courteous, lowly.

7 Namely, so as not to come to shame or disgrace by reason of pride, whereby they continue in honor and repute with all wise and understanding men, and such as judge rightly.

3Thed integrity of the upright shall 8guide them: but the 9perverseness of transgressors shall 10destroy them.

d Prov. 13:6.

8 Namely, it leads and guides them in the right way, in which they sincerely walk toward the good end of their journey where they want to be.

9 Namely, whereby they seek to deceive and wrong their neighbor.

10 That is, destroys them utterly. Other, layeth them waste or, spoileth them.

4Richese11profit not in the day 12of wrath: but 13righteousness delivereth from death.

e Prov. 10:2; Ezek. 7:19; Zeph. 1:18.

11 Namely, the wicked.

12 Namely, in the day of God’s wrath and indignation. See 2 Chron. 28 on verse 13; that is, at such a time when God manifests His wrath by sending out His punishments upon men. See Job 20 on verse 28.

13 See Prov. 10 on verse 2.

5The righteousness of the perfect shall 14direct his way: but the wicked shall 15fall by his own wickedness.

14 That is, causes him to walk aright in the good way, so that he at last comes where he wants to be, namely, to everlasting bliss. Compare Prov. 3:6 and the annotation.

15 Namely, in his evil way, so that he perishes in it, without coming to a happy and blessed end.

6The righteousness of the upright 16shall deliver them: but transgressors shallf be 17taken in their own 18naughtiness.g

16 Namely, according to the gracious promise that God has made unto them. Compare this with the end of the foregoing fourth verse.

f Prov. 5:22.

17 That is, overtaken, and ensnared in the evil and mischief, which they intended to do unto others, so that it tends to their own destruction. Compare Psalm 7:15; Prov. 26:27; Eccl. 10:8.

18 The Hebrew word, rendered here naughtiness, is so taken in Prov. 17:4.

g badness, wickedness*

7When a wicked man dieth, 19his expectation shall perish: and the 20hope of unjust men perisheth.

19 Namely, the expectation that he had to live here yet a while at ease and in prosperity by reason of his wealth and means; or do here yet some mischief, whereby he might in a manner be able to benefit himself, those that belong to him, and others that rely and depend upon him.

20 Hebr. the hope of strengths, or firmnesses, or powers, that is, very strong, firm or mighty hope, namely, which the wicked had. Or, hope of strengths, that is, of all things wherein he sets his hope. Other, even the strongest hope is perished.

8Theh righteous is delivered out of trouble, andi the wicked cometh 21in his stead.

h Psalm 34:19.

i Prov. 21:18.

21 That is, in trouble or distress, as if he was given for a ransom to release the godly man. Compare Prov. 21:18; Isa. 43:3.

9An 22hypocrite with his 23mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through 24knowledge shall the just be 25delivered.

22 See Job 8 on verse 13 what is a hypocrite.

23 Namely, by his dissembling speech, enticing him to sin, and demeaning himself as if he were his friend, whereas he is indeed his greatest enemy.

24 Namely, whereby the righteous understand that sins ought to be avoided, because they are forbidden by God and punished by Him, and that the hypocrite ought not to be believed.

25 Namely, from the deceit of the hypocrite.

10When it goeth 26well with the righteous, 27the city rejoiceth: and when the wicked perish, there is shouting.

26 Hebr. in the good; which may here be understood of the outward prosperity of the godly. See the word well so taken Job 21:13 and compare the annotation.

27 That is, the inhabitants of a city that is in a well-to-do situation, being furnished with good government and good citizenry. City put for the habitants of it, as Gen. 35:5; 1 Sam. 4:13; 1 Kings 1:41; Isa. 14:31; Mat. 21:10, etc.

1128By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted: but it is overthrown by 29the mouth of the wicked.

28 That is, by the blessing which they receive from God, and consequently which they speak, the prayers which they make, the counsel which they give, and the mercies which they show.

29 Namely, who teach and maintain false doctrine, make bad laws, and give out hurtful speeches against the commonwealth.

12He that is void of wisdom 30despiseth his neighbour: but a man of 31understanding 32holdeth his peace.

30 Namely, having not only a bad opinion of him in his heart, but also speaking ill of him with his mouth.

31 Hebr. of understandings.

32 That is, has a good opinion of him, and speaks not ill of him, yea nothing at all, when it may consist with the love of God, and of his neighbor.

13 A 33talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is 34of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter.

33 See the proper signification of the original phrase Lev. 19 on verse 16.

34 That is, in will, intention and affection, so as not to be like the talebearers, backbiters or slanderers. See of the word spirit taken in this signification 2 Kings 19 on verse 7.

14Wherej no 35counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of 36counsellers there is safety.

j 1 Kings 12:1, etc.

35 Or, wise counsels. See of the word rendered here counsel Job 37 on verse 12, the annotation #32.

36 Namely, of those who fear God, understand matters aright, and love the welfare of the people.

15He that is surety for 37a stranger shall 38smart for it: and he 39that hateth suretiship is 40sure.

37 See Prov. 6 on verse 1.

38 Hebr. breaking be broken, namely, either through care and trouble which he shall have, or through the loss and damage that he shall suffer, or through both.

39 That is, those who strike hands to signify that they promise payment. See Prov. 6:1 and the annotation.

40 Or, safe.

16 A 41gracious woman retaineth 42honour: 43and strong men 44retain riches.

41 Hebr. a woman of grace, that is, who is gracious and acceptable, namely, by reason of her virtues.

42 Namely, the honor of understanding, chastity, modesty, friendliness, prudent and wise housekeeping.

43 The letter vau is sometimes taken as. See Job 5 on verse 7.

44 Namely, so that they will not suffer them to be taken from them.

17The 45merciful man 46doeth good to 47his own soul: but he that is cruel 48troubleth his own flesh.

45 Hebr. a man of mercifulness, or kindness, or liberality. Also a man of knowledge, that is, an ingenious and intelligent man, Prov. 24:5; a man of truth or faithfulness, that is, a true or faithful man, Neh. 7:2; a man of peace, that is, one who is peaceable, Psalm 41:9; men of holiness, that is, holy men, saints, Exod. 22:31, etc. Compare Job 11 on verse 11.

46 The Hebrew word signifies sometimes to do good to a man, as here and in Psalm 13:6; Isa. 63:7; sometimes to do hurt, as Isa. 3:9. Properly it signifies to reward, or recompense, whether good or evil. See 2 Chron. 20 on verse 11.

47 That is, to himself. See 1 Kings 19 on verse 4.

48 Namely, not only by taking unnecessary care, but also by refusing of necessary food, apparel and habitation.

18The wicked worketh 49a deceitful work: but to him that soweth 50righteousness shall be a 51sure reward.

49 Hebr. a work of falsehood; that is, a work that is not good, which brings in no profit, nor benefit, nor reward, but is altogether vain and fruitless.

50 That is, who does good works; which indeed is done with labor and pains, but also with expectation of a gracious harvest. Compare Hosea 10:12; Gal. 6:8. Of sowing iniquity see Job 4 on verse 8.

51 Hebr. a reward of faithfulness or truth.

19As righteousness tendeth to life: so he that pursueth evil pursueth it to his own death.

20They that are of a 52froward heart are abomination to the LORD: but such as are upright in their 53way are 54his delight.

52 Meaning those, who in matter of faith and conduct, are not sincere and upright. See of the forwardness and perverseness of heart Psalm 101:4; Prov. 6:14; 12:8; 17:20; Jer. 17:9.

53 Also Psalm 119:1. The meaning is: those who in point of doctrine and life are downright sincere, unfeigned, pure in mind and heart.

54 That is, are well-pleasing and acceptable unto Him; also verse 1; Prov. 12:22; 15:8.

21Though 55handkjoin in hand, the wicked shall not be 56unpunished: but the 57seed of the righteous shall be 58delivered.

55 That is, from hand to hand; not only in his own person, but also in his posterity, that walk in his wicked ways. Compare Exod. 20:5; Deut. 5:9. Other, Hand to hand, etc. That is, though the wicked at such time when he is in danger, would have the help of all men, to rid and deliver him out of it, yet shall he in no wise escape the punishing hand of God. Hand is here taken for help, as 2 Sam. 3:12; 14:19; Neh. 2:18; Psalm 119:173; Prov. 16:5.

k Prov. 16:5.

56 That is, not be guiltless. See 1 Kings 2 on verse 9.

57 That is, children and posterity. See Gen. 4:25; 9:9 and the annotations.

58 Namely, by the hand and help of God.

22As a 59jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without 60discretion.

59 See of the signification of the Hebrew word, Gen. 24 on verse 22.

60 Or, reasonableness. Hebr. from taste, namely, of the spirit. This is the understanding and judgment of man. See Job 12 on verse 20.

23The desire of the righteous 61is only good: but the expectation of the wicked is 62wrath.

61 Namely, when they walk right and straight in the way of righteousness, and stumble not in it through human frailty.

62 That is, hatred, envy, malice, enmity, forwardness or pettishness, whereby they cause trouble and disquiet among men, and provoke the just wrath and indignation of God.

24There is that 63scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more 64than is meet, but 65it tendeth to poverty.

63To scatter is here to impart and communicate liberally of man’s goods where need requires it, also Psalm 112:9; in which sense also the verb to sow is used, 2 Cor. 9:6.

64 For the rich, yea everyone, according to his ability, is bound to communicate unto the poor.

65 That is, he grows not rich thereby.

25Thel66liberal soul shall be made 67fat: and he 68that watereth shall be watered also 69himself.

l Psalm 112:9; 2 Cor. 9:9.

66 Hebr. the soul of blessing, that is, the soul, who by well-doing, is a blessing unto other men. See on verse 11.

67 That is, shall be more blessed, and shall prosper exceedingly. See the same phrase Prov. 13:4; 15:30; 28:25.

68 That is, he who liberally distributes unto the poor; as a dry ground is moistened with water.

69 That is, shall be abundantly watered with the blessing of God, and so be moistened as if he himself were even a rain; whereby he shall also get more means to proceed and go on in well-doing.

26He that withholdeth corn, the people shall curse him: but blessing shall be upon the head of him that selleth it.

27He that diligently seeketh 70good 71procureth 72favour: but hem that 73seeketh mischief, it shall come unto him.

70 That is, does diligently good unto his neighbor.

71 Namely so, that he also finds and gets it.

72 Whereby he is acceptable both to God and to devout men.

m Psalm 7:16; 9:15; 10:2; 57:6.

73 Or, mindeth.

28He that trusteth in his riches shall fall: but then74righteous 75shall flourish as a branch.

n Psalm 1:3, 4; 92:12.

74 That is, those who trust not in riches, but in God alone, according to His command, Psalm 62:10, 11

75 That is, shall prosper and be blessed. Compare Psalm 1:3; 72:7; 92:12; Isa. 27:6; Hosea 14:6.

29He that 76troubleth his own house shall inherit the 77wind: and the fool shall be 78servant to the 79wise of heart.

76 Meaning: he, who by unruly housekeeping and wasting of his estate, makes his family poor and so grieves them. Compare Gen. 34:30 and the annotation.

77 That is, nothing at all, but he shall come to poverty. Compare Job 7 on verse 7.

78 That is, slave or vassal, to get a livelihood. Compare Gen. 47:19.

79 That is, who knows how to keep house.

3080The fruit of the righteous 81is a tree of life; and he 82that winneth souls is wise.

80 That is, his instruction and virtuous life.

81 That is, as a tree of life that brings forth the thing which is good, whereby a man is nourished and strengthened unto eternal life. Compare Prov. 3 on verse 18.

82 That is, he who draws men to the knowledge of God. Compare Mat. 4:19.

31Behold, the righteous shall be 83recompensed in the earth: mucho more the wicked and the 84sinner.

83 That is, punished for his sins. See of the Hebrew word Job 21 on verse 19.

o 1 Peter 4:17, 18.

84 That is, who excels in sin and makes it his whole business to commit sin. See 1 Sam. 15 on verse 18; Psalm 1 on verse 1.