1Paul exhorteth to rejoice in the Lord, and to beware of the false teachers of the circumcision: 4shewing that as a Jew he had better grounds of confidence than they; 7but that he disclaimed them all, trusting only to the justification which is of God by faith, and hoping to partake of the resurrection through Christ. 12He acknowledgeth his present imperfection, and that he was still anxiously striving for the prize: 15exhorting others to be likeminded, 17and to follow his example; 18for many were enemies to the gospel, being earthly minded; 20but his conversation and views were heavenly.
1FINALLY, my brethren, rejoicea1in the Lord. To write 2the same things to you, to me indeed 3is not grievous, but for you it is 4safe.
a Philip. 4:4; James 1:2; 1 Peter 4:13.
1That is, for the grace which the Lord has done to us. Or, with a joy which is acceptable to the Lord, namely, in the midst of tribulations.
2 Namely, which I have verbally taught you previously. See 2 Thes. 2:15.
3 Or, is not irksome, troublesome, too much to me.
4 That is, it tends to and is useful for your assurance, thereby to be more and more confirmed in the truth of the christian doctrine and in the faith.
25Bewareb of dogs, beware of 6evil workers, beware of 7the concision.c
5 That is, observe the dogs, and take heed of the false apostles, whom he calls by this reproachful name of dogs to express their nature, that they impudently bark at and bite the sincere teachers with their slanders.
b Isa. 56:10.
6 That is, who indeed take on much pains and labor but to implant in men an evil and corrupt doctrine.
7 That is, who are of the circumcision, boast thereof, and teach that circumcision is necessary unto salvation. Which may justly be called not so much a circumcision, as indeed a concision. The apostle changes here very elegantly the word circumcision into concision, because the doctrine of these false apostles cuts off the men, who embrace it, from Christ and as it were cuts them in pieces unto destruction.
c mutilation (circumcision)
3Ford8we are 9the circumcision, which worship Gode10in the spirit, and rejoice 11in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in 12the flesh.
d Deut. 10:16; 30:6; Jer. 4:4; Rom. 2:29; Col. 2:11.
8 Namely, who seek and place our righteousness only in Christ, as is declared hereafter.
9 That is, the true circumcision which is valid before God, which is the inward circumcision of the heart. See Rom. 2:29.
e John 4:24.
10 Or, with the spirit, that is, inwardly with the soul and the heart, John 4:24; Eph. 6:18. Or, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
11 Namely, that we have our salvation in Him and in His righteousness only. 1 Cor. 1:30, 31.
12 That is, in those outward ceremonies of the law or outward circumcision of the flesh and observation of the same, to be saved thereby. It is opposed to the word spirit used previously.
413Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If 14any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, 15If more:
13 Or, Although I have that I also might trust in the flesh, that is, although I also have matter concerning that outward circumcision and other ceremonies of the law, together with the outward advantages of the Jews, to put confidence in, namely, if a man might put his confidence to be saved therein.
14 Namely, of these false apostles, who always boasted much in those outward things, and sought their salvation therein.
15 That is, I would find yet more subject-matter wherein to put trust.
f 2 Cor. 11:21.
516Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel,g of the tribe of Benjamin,h an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as 17touching the law, ai Pharisee;
16 Gr. eight-days’ circumcision.
g 2 Cor. 11:22.
h Gen. 49:22.
17 That is, in respect of the sense of the law. Or, of those three sects, which were among the people of the Jews, Sadducees, Essenes, and Pharisees, I held the opinion of the sect of the Pharisees, which was accounted the most modest of all, Acts 26:5.
i Acts 23:6.
618Concerning zeal, persecutingj19the church; touching the righteousness 20which is in the law, 21blameless.
18 Namely, for the observation of the ceremonies of the law; wherein the false apostles were also very zealous, but perversely.
j Acts 8:3; 9:1; 22:3, 4; Gal. 1:13; 1 Tim. 1:13.
19 Namely, of the christians, who did not seek their salvation in the works of the law, but in Christ only.
20 That is, which the law requires outwardly of men.
21 Namely, so that men could not reprove me for any willful transgression of the law, seeing mine external works were conformable to the law of God. Whereby, notwithstanding, he declares that he was not justified, 1 Cor. 4:4.
7Butk what things were 22gain to me, those I counted 23loss for Christ.
k Mat. 13:44.
22 Gr. which were advantage to me. That is, which I, at that time, esteemed to be profitable and advantageous to me unto salvation.
23 That is, on the contrary, rejected as bringing loss to me.
8Yea doubtless, and 24I count 25all things but loss forl the excellency 26of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I 27have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but 28dung, that I may win 29Christ,
24 That is, I did not only esteem it so when I was first converted to Christ, but account it so still, and continue in the same opinion.
25 Namely, by which men seek their salvation outside of Christ.
l Isa. 53:11; Jer. 9:23; John 17:3; Col. 2:2.
26 Namely, not of the bare knowledge only, but of the saving knowledge, which is accompanied with trust and faith, John 17:3, as the words my Lord also give to understand.
27 Gr. have suffered loss of all those things.
28 The Greek word properly signifies: things which either are cast forth by dogs, or, cast before dogs; that is, filthy and objectionable things.
29 That is, be made partaker of the righteousness of Christ, which is the greatest gain.
9And be 30found 31in him, 32not having mine own righteousness, 33which is of the law, but that 34which is through the faith of Christ, 35the righteousness 36whichm is of God 37by faith:
30 Namely, in the judgment of God.
31 That is, in His communion, incorporated in Him by faith, and being partaker of His righteousness.
32 That is, not relying on mine own righteousness.
33 That is, which consists in perfect observation of the law, moral as well as ceremonial.
34 That is, which is obtained when one believes in Christ, and thereby embraces His righteousness, and which is imputed to believers by God of grace as their own righteousness.
35 Namely, of Christ.
36 That is, which God freely gives and graciously imputes to us, Rom. 4:6.
m Rom. 1:17; 3:21.
37 Gr. in. That is, which we obtain and appropriate to ourselves by faith, as by a spiritual instrument whereby this righteousness is received.
1038That I may 39know 40him, and 41the power of his resurrection, andn42the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto 43his death;
38 Hereby he describes the true saving and justifying faith, wherein it consists, what it aims at, and what it produces.
39 See verse 8.
40 Namely, Christ.
41 That is, the fruits and benefits which He, having procured for us by His death, powerfully applies and brings to us by His resurrection, namely, our justification before God, and the power to arise from the death of sin, see Rom. 4:25; 6:3, 4, etc.; 8:11; 1 Peter 4:1, 2.
n Rom. 8:17; 2 Cor. 4:10; 2 Tim. 2:11, 12; 1 Peter 4:13.
42 That is, in order that I may have part in the fruits of Christ’s suffering; namely, that thereby I may be delivered from the punishment of sin and be raised up to a new life, and for His sake willingly endure all sufferings, crosses and tribulations, which may come upon me for His sake.
43 Namely, the old man being mortified in me, Rom. 6:5, 6, and for His sake being killed all the day long, Rom. 8:36.
1144If by any means I might attain 45unto the resurrection of the dead.
44 These words do not signify here any uncertainty of this matter, but the difficulty to obtain it, thereby to stimulate our desire and diligence. And the sense is: diligently pursuing this, if by any means I, etc.
45 Namely, the blessed resurrection of the just, and thereby unto eternal glory and blessedness, Luke 14:14; John 6:39, 40, 44, 54. Therefore only the faithful and righteous are called children of the resurrection, Luke 20:36. This is not that the ungodly shall not also rise, Dan. 12:2; Acts 24:15, but their resurrection shall be to condemnation, John 5:29, and therefore rather a fall than a resurrection.
12Not as though I had 46already attained, either were already 47perfect: but 48I follow after, 49if that I may apprehendo that for 50which also 51I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.
46 Namely, the perfection of regeneration in this life.
47 Namely, in regeneration.
48 Gr. I press on, namely, with great desire and diligence.
49 Whereby he does not mean that he is not certain he shall obtain it, but shows the difficulty of the thing, and his zeal after it, as in the previous verse.
o lay hold of, seize*
50 That is, to obtain this.
51 That is, as it were apprehended and captured by Christ when I persecuted His church, and, as it were running into destruction, I was laid hold on by Him and converted unto Him on the way to Damascus, Acts 9. See likewise 1 Cor. 13:12.
13Brethren, 52I count not myself to have apprehended:p but this 53one thing I do, 54forgetting those things which are 55behind, and 56reaching forth 57unto those things which are before,
52 That is, I do not persuade myself, as some might think, because I boast so much of the communion with Christ and His benefits.
p lay hold of, seize*
53 Namely, as the most principal thing, wherein I exercise myself with all diligence, Psalm 27:4; Luke 10:42.
54 That is, not being content with that good which heretofore I may have done.
55 That is, which is passed, whereby is understood what he has done thus far, even since being converted unto Christ. A similitude taken from those who are already run far in a race, and leave behind them the place from which they have run. See 1 Cor. 9:24.
56 Or, stretching forth, as runners stretch forth forwards their head, neck, arms and body to run the faster; by which similitude he declares his great and diligent endeavor, which he uses with all his might to attain thereunto.
57 That is, which must yet be run to come to the end or goal. Or, unto the promises of the Gospel, which are set before us, to obtain and to apprehend them.
14 I 58pressq59toward the mark 60for the prize 61of the 62high calling of God 63in Christ Jesus.
58 Or, pursue. Gr. press on, as verse 12.
q 1 Cor. 9:24; 2 Tim. 4:7.
59 That is, toward the goal, set at the end of the race, to which the runners strive to run to lay hold upon it first, and so to win the prize.
60 Gr. brabeion; whereby is understood a crown or other mark of honor which is given to them who had won in the race. The apostle thereby understands the eternal salvation, which he calls a crown of righteousness, 2 Tim. 4:8.
61 That is, which shall be given to them whom God has effectually called unto the fellowship of salvation, and who are obedient to this calling, and consequently steadfastly run out this race even to the end.
62 That is, this has come to hand from God to us out of heaven, and invites and brings us unto heavenly blessedness.
63 That is, which is to be obtained only by the merits of Christ, and which is given unto us because of this and by Him.
15Let us therefore, as many as be 64perfect, be thus 65minded: and if 66in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even 67this unto you.
64 The apostle understands by this word not those who would be altogether perfect in the keeping of the law, because he denied this of himself previously, verses 12, 13, but those who understand well and thoroughly the articles of the christian religion, and are therein, as it were, come to the age of adults, Eph. 4:13, whom are contrasted to those who are yet as children in knowledge. See 1 Cor. 2:6; 3:1; Heb. 5:13, 14.
65 Namely, that is here previously taught by me; namely, of man’s justification before God, verse 9, and of our imperfection in this life, verse 12, and similar.
66 Namely, in matters of less importance.
67 Namely, causing you in course of time to increase and grow up in knowledge, if so be you show yourselves teachable, and diligently use the means thereto. This he does not say of secret revelations outside the Word of God, but of the ordinary revelations or manifestations which He makes by the preaching of His Word, accompanied by the illumination of His Spirit. This is said principally for the comfort of the weak, who could not yet rightly understand that the ceremonial law was entirely abrogated; that, namely, in the course of time God would give them to understand this also. See hereof also Romans 14.
16Nevertheless, 68whereto we have already attained, let us walk byr69the same rule, lets us mind the same thing.
68 That is, in those points of doctrine, to the understanding whereof we are brought by the grace of God.
r Gal. 6:16.
69 That is, according to the knowledge which we have of it out of God’s Word, which is as a rule or directive, according to which we must regulate our faith and conduct.
s Rom. 12:16; 15:5; 1 Cor. 1:10; Philip. 2:2; 1 Peter 3:8.
17Brethren, be followers 70together of 71me,t and mark them which walk 72so as ye have us foru an ensample.v
70 Or, also, likewise.
71 Namely, in opinion and in conduct. See 1 Cor. 11:1.
t 1 Cor. 4:16; 11:1; 1 Thes. 1:6;
72 Namely, as I walk, as is declared in what follows.
u 2 Thes. 3:9; 1 Peter 5:3.
v example, model from within a defined group or type
18(Forw73many walk, of whom I have told you 74often, and 75now tell you even 76weeping, that they are the 77enemies of the cross of Christ:
w Rom. 16:17.
73 Namely, of the teachers who preach the Word, and walk not in their calling as we do.
74 Namely, when I was with you, warning you of the same in my sermons.
75 Namely, by this my writing.
76 That is, with grief of heart, arising from this that these men with their false doctrine and disorderly life, deceive and disturb the congregation, and bring destruction upon themselves.
77 That is, showing that they are enemies of the doctrine whereby is taught that people are not saved by the keeping of the law, but by the only sacrifice of Christ performed on the cross, 1 Cor. 1:23, 24; 2:2.
1978Whose end is destruction, whose 79God is their belly, and whose 80glory is 81in their shame, who 82mind 83earthly things.)
78 That is, who at last shall be punished by God with eternal damnation, Rev. 19:20, 21. See also Philip. 1:28.
79 That is, who, instead of serving God and spreading abroad His honor, seek nothing else but to lead a delicate and easy life, and to serve their belly as if it were their god.
80 That is, honor, which they seek of men, and of which they boast.
81 That is, seek their honor in what is shameful to them, that is, shall prosper unto their temporal and eternal shame. Or, unto their shame.
82 Or, consider, that is, strive after with their senses and understanding.
83 That is, temporal pleasure and ease.
20Forx84our conversation 85is in heaven; 86fromy whence also we 87look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:
x Heb. 13:14.
84 Or, citizenship, that is, civil conduct and manner of living by true Christians. See Philip. 1:27.
85 That is, is such that it always pursues after the heavenly things, and after the glory which is laid up in heaven, but not after the earthly things. See Col. 3:1, 2.
86 Gr. out of which, namely, the place of the heavens. See the like, Mat. 2:9.
y 1 Cor. 1:7; 1 Thes. 1:10. Titus 2:13.
87 Namely, to come to judge the quick and the dead, Acts 1:11.
21Whoz shall 88change our 89vile body, that it may be 90fashioned like unto 91his glorious body, 92according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.
z 1 Cor. 15:51.
88 The Greek word signifies to change in form or quality. See 1 Cor. 15:52, etc.
89 Gr. the body of our lowliness, or, our body of lowliness, that is, this our mortal and corruptible body.
90 Namely, in incorruptibleness, immortality, and other spiritual properties. See 1 Cor. 15:48, 49.
91 Gr. to the body of his glory, or, to his body of glory, namely, which He had after His resurrection and now still has in heaven.
92 That is, according to His Divine and almighty power, whereby He is able to do all things, and therefore can also bring about the resurrection and change of our bodies.