The Prophet

At what time the prophet Nahum lived and prophesied is not recorded anywhere in Holy Scripture. Yet it would seem, according to the opinion of some, that he did prophecy in the time of king Hezekiah and shortly thereafter, about 90 years after Jonah, upon whose preaching they had indeed repented, so that the Lord therefore withheld the execution of His threats at that time. But they, returning afterwards to the practice of all previous iniquity and wickedness, persecuting and oppressing the people of God, the prophet here foretells unto the city of Nineveh, and at the same time to the king of Assyria, (whose capital city was Nineveh) their ruin, and consequently unto the Jews their deliverance out of the hand of the Assyrians, comforting them in their present miseries, according to his name, Nahum, signifying a comforter. His words are quoted in the New Testament, Rom. 10:15