This book is of the same kind of argument with the foregoing, except that Luke describes some other special matters, which were omitted by the other evangelists. After the preface he describes the parents and conception of John the Baptist, and the conception of CHRIST declared to Mary by the angel Gabriel, who treats with the angel about it, and speaks thereof with her cousin Elisabeth, and praises God with an hymn, relates the birth and circumcision of John the Baptist, and the hymn which his father Zacharias sung about this unto God, chapter 1. Afterwards when, where and of whom CHRIST was born, and how His birth was revealed by the angels to the shepherds, His circumcision and presentation in the temple, where He is embraced by old Simeon with an hymn and prediction, and confessed by Anna the prophetess; His growing up, and His disputing with the doctors in the temple, when He was but twelve years old, chapter 2.When and how John the Baptist began his ministry, with baptizing and teaching, boldly admonishing all the people, and directing them to CHRIST; how he baptized CHRIST, Whose genealogy he also relates, chapter 3. How CHRIST by fasting prepared Himself to His office, and overcame the temptation of the devil; began His office of teaching in Galilee and at Nazareth where He dwelled, proved out of the prophet Isaiah that He was the promised Messiah, wherefore He was cast out of the city; that He taught at Capernaum, and cast out an unclean spirit, cured Peter’s mother in law of the fever, and many other who were sick and possessed; and furthermore went to preach in other cities, chapter 4. That, after a miraculous catch of fish, He called Simon Peter, James and John to be apostles; cleansed a leper and healed a lame man who was let down through the roof; that He called Matthew from the custom to be an apostle, and how He defended Himself for eating with publicans and sinners, and His disciples for not fasting, chapter 5. As also for plucking ears of corn on the sabbath; and that He had cured a withered hand on the sabbath; that He chose twelve apostles; before whom, as likewise before the whole multitude, He makes an excellent exhortation, wherein He shows the apostles their blessedness and the ungodly and hypocrites their sins and punishments, chapter 6. That He made whole the servant of a centurion at Capernaum, who laid at the point of death; and raised a young man from the dead at Nain; what He answered the disciples of John the Baptist who were sent unto Him, and what testimony He gave of John before the people; how He complains of the stubbornness of the Jews; and at the house of Simon, a pharisee, forgave a sinful woman her sins, she bewailing them, chapter 7. That He went on to preach in other cities, accompanied with the apostles and some women; and by the parable of the seed, that was sown, teaches how God’s Word ought to be heard; and by that of a candle, how it ought to be preached; who are His mother and His brethren; that He calms a great storm on the sea; casts out a very evil unclean spirit; cures a woman who had a bloody issue, and raises Jairus’ daughter from the dead, chapter 8.That He sent forth His apostles to preach, with power to cast out devils; that Herod sought to see Him; that He fed five thousand men with five loaves and two fishes; that He asked His disciples what the people judged of Him; that He foretells His suffering; teaches what they must do who wanted to be His disciples; that he shows a proof of His glory on the Mount before three of His disciples; and casts an unclean spirit out of a youth, whom His disciples could not cast out; again foretells His suffering; rebukes the disciples for their ambition, and desire of revenge against the Samaritans; and teaches how one ought to follow Him, chapter 9. That He sent forth yet seventy other disciples to preach; and threatened the cities which would reject the Gospel; that the disciples return with joy; whom He declares to be blessed, because they lived at this time; how He answers a lawyer, who asked what he must do to obtain eternal life, and by the parable of a Samaritan taught who is our neighbor; that He is received by two sisters, Martha and Mary, into their house, of whom He reproves the one and commends the other, chapter 10. That He taught His disciples to pray, and by the similitude of a friend and a father promises them that they shall be heard; that He proves by the parable of a strong man armed that He did not cast out devils by Beelzebub; teaches the people that the Ninevites and the Queen of the South shall condemn those who shall reject His Gospel; reproves the Pharisees and scribes for their hypocrisy, and persecuting of the prophets, to whom also He threatens heavy punishments, chapter 11. That He exhorts His disciples to preach the Gospel openly, and not to fear persecution; refuses to be a mediator about an inheritance; and admonishes the people by the parable of a rich man to beware of covetousness, as also of too great care for the maintenance of this life; exhorts to give alms, to pray and to watch against the time of His future coming, which shall be unawares; forewarns them of the strife that shall arise amongst the people, when the Gospel shall be preached; and exhorts to circumspection and readiness to forgive one another, chapter 12. In like manner to repentance by certain accounts, and by the parable of a barren fir tree; cures a woman on the sabbath who had gone disfigured eighteen years; declares the spreading abroad of the Gospel by the parables of a mustard seed, and leaven; proclaims to the hypocrites that they shall be shut out of heaven, and cast into hell; upbraids those of Jerusalem with their unbelief, and declares their desolation, chapter 13. Heals on the sabbath one who had the dropsy, and justifies it; exhorts to humility; teaches who should be invited to a feast; compares the Kingdom of God to a great feast, to whom many, who were invited, would not come; exhorts His disciples to bear the cross, to be watchful, and to forsake all, chapter 14. Compares by the parables of a lost sheep and penny to diligence in their office, and by the parable of the prodigal son to repentance and to rejoice for the same, chapter 15. By the parables of an unjust steward to liberality, with a declaration of the steadfastness of the law, especially concerning the business of marriage, and of a rich miser and of Lazarus, how diverse is the state of persons both in this life and that to come, chapter 16. Exhorts to avoid offenses, and to forgive our neighbor; describes the power of faith; and teaches that God rewards us not of merit but of grace; heals ten lepers; teaches what life men shall lead when He shall come to judgment, chapter 17. By the parables of a widow and an unjust judge that we must always continue in prayer; and by a publican and a pharisee, who went up to pray, who shall be justified by God. Suffers the little children to be brought unto Him, and exhorts the people to be like unto them; sets the commandments of God before those who would be justified by the law; warns them what an hindrance riches are to salvation; promises recompense to those who confess Him; foretells His suffering and resurrection; and cures a blind man, chapter 18. That He converts Zacchæus at Jericho; by the parable of ten pounds exhorts to employ well the gifts of God; how He makes the royal entrance at Jerusalem, and weeps over that city; casts out the buyers and sellers from the temple, chapter 19. How He asks the chief of the priests and the scribes from where was the Baptism of John; by the parable of a vineyard hired out, He sets their wickedness before their eyes; answers to the question whether men ought to pay tribute to Cæsar; maintains the resurrection of the dead against the sadducees; and teaches that CHRIST is not only a Son, but also a Lord of David; and admonishes the people to beware of the scribes, chapter 20. That He commends the small alms of a poor widow; foretells the desolation of the temple, and the signs which shall precede both that and His last coming; exhorts to watch and pray; and sets forth what He then did at Jerusalem, chapter 21. How Judas has acted with the chief priests to deliver Him over into their hands; how He kept the last passover with His disciples; and instead thereof instituted the Holy Supper, and kept it with His disciples; foretold the treachery of Judas; reproved the disciples for their ambition; and also did comfort them, and especially Peter for his fall, which He foretells; strengthens the apostles against their approaching troubles; how He began His suffering with prayer in a garden; is betrayed by Judas with a kiss; and is taken by the armed soldiers, and led unto the hall of the high priest, where Peter denies Him thrice, and where He is beaten; that He is set before the council, and condemned by them to death, chapter 22. How He is led to the governor Pilate, who, having examined Him, declares that he has found no fault in Him; and is sent by him to Herod, who mockingly sends Him back again; that Pilate, after scourging Him, sought to set Him free, and by placing Him over against Barabbas, a murderer, about which he has not been successful; and therefore delivers Him to be crucified; how He has carried His cross out of the city; being helped by Simon of Cyrene, and on the way foretold the women of Jerusalem their misery to come; how and where He was crucified with two murderers, mocked and reviled and on the cross, even by one of the murderers who was crucified with Him, who is rebuked for it by his companion, who is converted. That after a great darkness at midday He gave up the ghost; and was buried by a counselor, Joseph of Arimathæa, chapter 23. How He arose again on the first day of the week; and His resurrection was made known by angels unto the women who came to anoint His body; how He revealed Himself to two disciples going towards Emmaus, and afterwards to the eleven disciples gathered together, whom He causes to touch His hands and feet, and with whom He eats; and after He promised them the Holy Spirit, ascended up to heaven before their eyes, chapter 24.