Job 29

1Job calleth to mind his former prosperity and honour, and the worthy use he had made of it.

1MOREOVER 1Job continued his parable, and said,

1 See Job 27 on verse 1.

22Oh that I were as in months past, as 3in the days when God preserved me;

2 Hebr. Who shall give me to be, etc. See Job 6 on verse 8.

3 That is, in the former time of my life. Compare Job 14:5 and see the annotation.

3When 4his candle shined upon my head, and when 5by his light I walked through 6darkness;

4 That is, abode with me by His favor and blessing. As such this word is frequently taken. See Job 18 on verse 6.

5 That is, by His grace and blessing; for, light is here as much as candle stated before. See Job 18 on verse 5.

6 That is, passed through and overcame the misery and adversity of this life. Darkness for misery and adversity; see Gen. 15 on verse 12.

4As I was in the days of my 7youth, when the 8secret of God was upon my tabernacle;

7 That is, in my greatest strength and blessedness. And this is not to be understood so much of his age, as of the flourishing condition of his life, which before was as a continued youthfulness unto him. Other, in the days of my Fall, namely, when I had abundance and affluence, such as men use to have in the time of vintage, when all the fruits are ripe and gathered in. Or, in the days of my winter, that is, when I had rest and quietness, as soldiers and warriors have, when they are in good winter quarters.

8 Understand the eternal Providence of God, whereby He took care of Job to conduct and protect him, together with His favorable presence, through the instruction and comfort of His Holy Spirit.

5When the Almighty was yet 9with me, when my 10children were about me;

9 See Gen. 21 on verse 22.

10 That is, servants, or sons.

6When I 11washed my steps with butter, and the rock poured me out 12rivers of oil;

11 This is an hyperbolical expression, implying his great abundance of butter, the same as we have it in Gen. 49:11, 12, and what follows here in the next words.

12 Compare Deut. 32:13; 33:24; Job 20:17. Hebr. and the rock by me is poured out with brooks of oil.

7When I went out to the 13gate through the city, when I prepared my 14seat in the 15street!

13 Understand the place of judgment, called by us the tribunal. See Gen. 22 on verse 17 and Job 5:4.

14 The judgment seat, out of which, as a supreme magistrate, he took notice of the subjects’ causes and differences, and administered justice unto them.

15 Which was at the city gate, where the people met to have their causes heard, and to expect the sentence of the judge.

8The young men saw me, and 16hid themselves: and the aged 17arose, and stood up.

16 Namely, avoiding me out of fear or shame.

17 Namely, until I sat down, as a sign of respect. Compare Lev. 19:32; 2 Kings 2:19.

9The princes 18refrained talking, and 19laid their hand on their mouth.

18 That is, broke off their discourses to hear me speak, or for veneration at my presence.

19 That is, were silent. See Judges 18 on verse 19.

10The nobles held their peace, and 20their tongue cleaved to the roof of their mouth.

20 This manner of speech indicates silence or disability to speak; see the same also Psalm 137:6; Ezek. 3:26.

11When the ear heard me, then it blessed me; and when the eye saw me, it gave witness 21to me:

21 Namely, of my piety and devotion, which was manifested in all my words and actions.

12Becausea I delivered the poor that cried, and the fatherless, and him that had none to help him.

a Psalm 72:12; Prov. 21:13.

1322The blessing of him that was ready to 23perish came upon me: and I caused the widow's heart to sing for 24joy.

22 That is, the good which was wished to me by those whom I helped out of great distresses.

23 That is, who stood in danger of going to be lost, if I had not supported him with good advice and compensation.

24 That is, rejoice over the benefit and assistance I showed her in her sufferance.

1425Ib put on righteousness, and 26it clothed me: my 27judgment was as a robe and a diadem.c

25 The sense is, that as Job held fast and close to righteousness as to a garment which one does not put off, so righteousness again served him for an ornament and reputation among men. Compare Job 40:10; Psalm 132:9; Isa. 52:1.

b Isa. 59:17; Eph. 6:14, etc.; 1 Thes. 5:8.

26 Namely, the righteousness.

27 Namely, what I pronounced or determined for the protection of the oppressed.

c head-dress

15I was eyes to 28the blind, and feet was I to the lame.

28 Understand that he had assisted the afflicted, not only with words of instruction, warning, counsel and comfort, but likewise with real means and actions.

16I was a father to the poor: and the cause which I knew not 29I searched out.

29 He wants to say, that he not only settled righteously, what was brought before him as ordinary judge, but that he also searched and inquired accurately into what was not brought before him, to help the oppressed timely.

17And I brake 30the jaws of the wicked, and plucked the spoil out of his teeth.

30 That is, the violence of unrighteous men, who sought to oppress the poor and weak. See the similar expression Psalm 3:7; 57:4; 58:6; Prov. 30:14; Joel 1:6.

18Then I said, I shall 31die in 32my nest, and I shall multiply my days 33as the sand.

31 That is, go out by degrees and so gently, that I shall die at last of mere age. Compare with the following words. The Hebrew word seems to be taken thus Gen. 25:8; 49:33.

32 That is, in mine own house, among my own family.

33 That is, in great number. See Gen. 41 on verse 49.

19My 34root was 35spread out by the waters, and the dew lay all night upon my branch.

34 That is, my means and prosperity increased and multiplied like to the growing of a tree, which is well moistened with water from the ground and with the dew from heaven. Compare Job 18:16; Psalm 1:3.

35 Hebr. opened.

20My 36glory 37was fresh in me, and 38my bow was renewed in my hand.

36 That is, the honor and esteem, which I had among men by reason of my great prosperity.

37 That is, continued not only as before, but augmented and increased daily.

38 Understand the power and means which he had to maintain and protect his estate against all hurtful power. He declares of them that they changed by increasing and multiplying. Bow for strength and means, Gen. 49:24; 1 Sam. 2:4, etc.

21Unto me men gave ear, and waited, and kept silence at my counsel.

22After my words they 39spake not again; and 40my speech dropped upon them.

39 Hebr. they doubled not. Also 1 Sam. 26:8; 2 Sam. 20:10.

40 See Deut. 32 on verse 2.

23And they waited for me as 41for the rain; and they opened their mouth wide as for the 42latter rain.

41 Compare Psalm 72 on verse 6.

42 See Deut. 11 on verse 14.

2443If I laughed on them, they 44believed it not; and 45the light of my countenance they cast not down.

43 Or, jested with them.

44 Namely, that I jested, that is, they stood in such awe of me, and respected me in that manner that they took my words, which I spoke but in jest, as spoken in earnest.

45 That is, they neither grieved nor shamed my cheerful disposition: in regard that by my jesting carriage I might have made myself contemptible amongst them.

2546I chose out their way, and sat 47chief, and dwelt 48as a king in the army, as one that comforteth the mourners.

46 That is, if of myself or of my own accord, I went to them to visit them and with good instruction, advice or comfort to encourage and to establish them.

47 Hebr. the head; or, at the head.

48 He wants to say, that he was not only dreaded as king for the reason of his authority, but also beloved and desired as a comforter of the sad-hearted, for his kindness and bountifulness.