1Paul, in bonds for preaching Christ to the Gentiles, sheweth that the mystery of their calling, heretofore hidden, had been revealed to him, 7that by his ministry God's gracious purpose might be universally known, and the Gentiles be assured of their acceptance by faith. 13He desireth his Ephesian converts not to be discouraged at his sufferings on their account; 14and prayeth that God would strengthen their faith and knowledge of the infinite love of Christ. 20He giveth glory to God for his power in the church by Christ Jesus.
1FOR this cause I Paul, the aprisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles,
a Ac. 28.16,17; 26.23,29. Phile. 9. Ga. 5.11. ch. 4.1; 6.20. Col. 1.24; 4.3,18. 2Ti. 1.8; 2.10. Phi. 1.13.
2If ye have heard of the b*dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to *you-ward:
*dispensation-administration, distribution.
*you-ward-toward you.
b Ac. 9.15; 13.2,46; 26.17,18. Ro. 1.5; 11.13; 15.15,16. Ga. 1.15,16; 2.9. v.8. Col. 1.25,26. 1Ti. 1.11; 2.7. 2Ti. 1.11.
3How that cby revelation dhe made known unto me the mystery; e(as I wrote 1afore in few words,
1Or, a little before.
c Ac. 22.17,21; 26.16. Ga. 1.12; 2.2. Ro. 16.27. d v.9. e ch. 1.9,10; 2.13,19,20.
4Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the fmystery of Christ)
f Lu. 2.10,11. 1Co. 2.2,6,7; 14.2. Ro. 11.11,12,25; 15.19. 1Ti. 3.16. v.5,6. ch. 6.19.
5gWhich in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit;
g Mat. 13.17. Jn. 16.13. Ro. 16.25,26. 1Co. 2.12; 2Ti. 1.9,10. Tit. 1.1-3. 1Pe. 1.10-12.
6hThat the Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel:
h Ro. 8.15-17; 5.8-12. 1Co. 12.27. Ga. 3.9,14,28,29. ch. 1.3; 2.13-22.
7iWhereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of his power.
i Ac. 9.15; 26.16-18. Ro. 1.5; 11.13; 15.18,19. 2Co. 3.6; 4.1; 5.18-20. Ga. 2.8. Col. 1.23,25,26. Is. 43.13. ch. 1.19. v.2,8.
8Unto me, who am jless than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that kI should preach among the Gentiles the lunsearchable riches of Christ;
j 1Co. 15.9,10. 1Ti. 1.13,15. 2Co. 11.5. Ge. 32.10. k v.2. Ac. 9.15; 13.2; 22.21; 26.16-18. Ro. 1.5; 11.13; 15.8,15-19. 1Co. 15.9. Ga. 1.16; 2.8,9. 1Ti. 2.7. 2Ti. 1.11. l Ps. 31.19. Is. 64.4. 1Co. 2.9. ch. 1.7; 2.7. v.19. Col. 1.27; 2.9,10; 3.11. 1Co. 1.30. ch. 1.3. Jn. 1.14,16. Phi. 4.19.
9And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, mwhich from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who ncreated all things by Jesus Christ:
m ch. 1.9; 2.13-22. v.3-6. 1Ti. 3.16. Ro. 16.25,26. Col. 1.25-27. 2Ti. 1.9,10. 1Pe. 1.20. He. 1.1,2. Tit. 1.2,3. n Ps. 33.6. Jn. 1.3. Col. 1.16,17. He. 1.2. ch. 2.10.
10oTo the intent that now unto the principalities and powers pin heavenly places might be known by the church the qmanifold wisdom of God,
o 1Pe. 1.12. Ro. 8.38. ch. 1.21. Col. 1.16. 1Pe. 3.22. Ps. 103.20. p ch. 1.3. q Ro. 11.33. 1Co. 2.7; 1.23,24,30. 1Ti. 3.16. Pr. 8.
11rAccording to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord:
r ch. 1.4,9,11. 2Ti. 1.9. Ro. 8.28-30; 9; 11. Is. 46.10; 14.24,27.
12sIn whom we have boldness and access with confidence by tthe faith of him.
s Jn. 10.7,9; 14.6. Ro. 5.2. ch. 2.18. He. 10.19-22; 4.14,16. Ac. 4.12. t Mar. 11.22.
13Wherefore I desire that ye ufaint not at my tribulations for you, which is your glory.
u Phi. 2.14. 1Th. 3.3. Col. 1.24. 2Co. 1.6. v.7. 2Ti. 2.10. Lu. 18.1.
14vFor this cause wI bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
v v.1. w 2Co. 1.3. 1Th. 5.23. Col. 1.9-11. Phi. 1.8-11; 2.10. ch. 1.16-19. Ro. 14.11.
15Of whom the xwhole family in heaven and earth is named,
x ch. 1.10,21. Col. 1.16-20. Phi. 2.9. Re. 5.8-14.
16That he would grant you, yaccording to the riches of his glory, zto be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;
y ch. 1.7,18; 2.7. Ro. 9.23. Phi. 4.19. Col. 1.27. Jn. 1.14,16. z 2Co. 4.16. Zec. 10.12. Is. 40.29-31. Ps. 138.3. ch. 6.10. 1Th. 5.23. 2Th. 3.5. 2Ti. 2.1. Ro. 7.22. Col. 2.2; 1.11. 1Co. 16.13.
17aThat Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being brooted and grounded in love,
a ch. 2.21,22. Jn. 14.23; 17.23; 15.4. Ga. 2.20. Col. 1.27. Ac. 20.21; 16.31. b 1Jn. 4.19. Ro. 5.5. Col. 2.7; 1.23. 1Co. 13.4-7. Ga. 5.6. 1Ti. 1.5.
18May be able to ccomprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;
c Job 11.7-9. ch. 1.18,23. 1Ti. 3.16. 1Co. 1.30. Col. 1.19; 2.9,10. v.3. Col. 1.6,23. Mat. 28.19,20. 1Ti. 2.4. Ps. 103.17; 86.15. Jn. 14.3. Re. 3.21.
19And to dknow the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with eall the fulness of God.
d Phi. 3.8-12. 1Jn. 4.8,16. Ga. 2.20. ch. 5.2. Jn. 10.10,11. Phi. 4.7. e Jn. 1.14,16. ch. 1.23; 4.10. Col. 1.19; 2.9,10. 1Co. 1.30. Ro. 8.32. 1Co. 15.28. Ps. 16.5,6; 43.4.
20Now unto him that is fable to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, gaccording to the power that worketh in us,
f Ge. 17.1; 18.14. Je. 32.17,27. Mat. 18.26. Ro. 16.25. He. 13.20,21. Jude 24. Col. 1.29. 1Ki. 3.13. 2Sa. 7.19. g ch. 1.19.
21Unto him be hglory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
h Ro. 11.36; 16.27. He. 13.21. 1Pe. 4.11. 1Ti. 1.17.